Problems for the Weimar Government 1919-1923

  • Created by: Scarlet
  • Created on: 11-06-17 17:20

Problems for the Weimar Government 1919-1923


Problem 1: The Stab in the Back Myth

The ‘stab in the back’ theory was still a commonly held belief amongst many ordinary Germans, who believed that the Weimar Republic had betrayed the German people by surrendering in the First World War. This led to a fundamental lack of trust in the government.

Problem 2: Treaty of Versailles. June 1919.

Called that because it was signed in Versailles, France

The victorious countries meet and discussed the treaty and then the treaty was signed in June 1919, by Lloyd George(PM of Britain), by President Wilson (USA), by President Clemenceau (France)

Key: Things that would make the German people feel 

Angry, Humiliated, Insecure


Part 1: Land

  • Germany lost 13% of its land (and about 6 million people living there).
  • This lost land had important raw materials such as coal.
  • Germany was split into two. This was to give Poland access the sea.
  • German troops were not allowed Rhineland. This was to make the French feel safe from German attack.
  • All German colonies overseas were taken away.


Part 2: Army

  • The German army was to be reduced to just 100,000.
  • The Navy was cut to 15,000 sailors and only 6 battleships.
  • Germany was not allowed submarines, tanks or an air force.

Part 3: Blame

  • In the “war guilt” clause, Germany was blamed for the war.
  • This enabled the Allies to demand compensation from Germany for all the damages that had been caused.


Part 4: Money

  • Germany had to pay reparations. Most of the money would go to France and Belgium.
  • At Versailles, no sum


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