PSYA3 Gender
- Created by: Holly
- Created on: 16-06-11 15:47
Sex - biological, anatomical, male/female
Gender - psychological, masculine/feminine
Sexuality - preference for a mate
Kohlberg's Gender Consistency Theory - based on idea by Piaget that children gain knowldge of objects by their experiences, and this can be applied to own ideas on gender.
Gender labelling - 3yrs - able to say whether they are male/female
Gender stability - 3.5-4.5yrs - if they were a boy, will become a man
Gender constancy - 6yrs - if a man wears a dress, still male
Individual differences: doesn't account for IDs such as intelligence about when a child will get this knowledge
Research support: Slaby and Frey asked children to label pics of boy/girl. Then asked whether they were born boy/girl and if they'll grow up to be a mummy/daddy. Findings supported the stages set out in theory.
Change may be more subtle and…
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