
  • Created by: Ebojenks
  • Created on: 02-06-18 01:02

Topic number 1: Cognitive 

The first is a quick summary of what you should know in Cognitive:


  • EWT (Eye Witness Testimony)
  • Research:

EWT in research in adults including L + P (Lofters and Palmers) study (1974) and in children Ceci (1993)

A brief overview of both studies:

L+P= The aim was to prove that the language used in EWT can alter memory, it was about 45 students watching a clip of cars crashing the groups were separated asking them how fast the cars were going with the words (smashed, collided, bumped, hit) its common sense how the answers of the students varied. The conclusion was the verb implied info about the speed which systematically affected the memory of the participants. Any problems? RESPONSE BIAS.

2 was about the glass smashing you know this.

Ceci 1993

keynotes: suggestibility of children, IQ correlated with children's levels of suggestibility, Lowers IQ more likely to be an error.


A schema is a concept that helps organize and interpret info. Can be used to allow us to take shortcuts in interpreting vast amounts of info. (Index Cards) 

Example: young girl thinks a horse has 4 legs, tall, big and has a tail so if she sees a cow she may think its a horse and if she sees a pony she will think its too small to be a horse. This is a schema.

Problems: automatically or with little effort, may cause people to interpret a situation badly, may lead to stereotypes.


Parts of the eye:

LENS= Focus and distance


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