Psychology - Aggression - Biological Explanations
- Created by: Danni Lawson-Kirby
- Created on: 15-06-10 18:42
Aggression - Biological Explanations.
The Brain - You are born to be aggressive.
· Aggression might be caused by your biological make-up.
· It is something you are born with.
· It is natural, and cannot be changed.
· Research shows there are two areas of the brain, involved in aggression.
Amygdala - Part of the Limbic System, Main area responsible for recognising and producing aggression.
The Limbic System - Found in middle of brain, made up of many structures, 'emotional area' of brain, recognises and produces emotions needed for survival.
King (1961): A women’s brain was electrically stimulated during an operation. She became threatening and verbally aggressive until the electrical current was turned off.
Charles Whitman (1966): He killed 13 people, after killing his mother and wife. He left a note asking doctors to examine his brain, as he thought something was making him aggressive. He a brain tumour pressing on his amgdala.
Difficulties Researching The Brain.
· Cut brain open to see inside.
· Damage areas and see if it affects aggression.
· Use animals instead.
· Researchers study animals instead of humans because of ethics.
· Damaged amygdala - affects…