Psychopathology revision
- Created by: chiaramaddaloni1
- Created on: 18-05-16 12:56
Definitions of abnormality
> Deviation from social norms
Social judgements about what is acceptable
Can be applied with diagnosing APD.
What is normal in one culture may not be normal in a different culture.
> Failure to function adequately
Failing to cope with demands of everyday life e.g interpersonal rules.
Attempts to include subjective experience of the individua.
> Deviation from ideal mental health
Jahoda considered normality rather than abnormality e.g no symptoms of distress, rational and accurate self-perception
Sets unrealistic standard for mental health - abnormal to achieve all criteria for extended period of time.
> Characteristics
Behavioural: Lethargy, decreased/increased sleeping and/or eating, a change in agression levels, self harm.
Emotional: Lowered mood, anger towards self and others, lowered self esteem.
Cognitive: Poor concentration, nagative bias, absolutist thinking
> Cognitive explanations (Beck)
Faulty information processing, negative self schema, negative triad. (world, self and future)
Good supporting evidence: solid support that certain cognitions make us vunerable
Practical application in CBT: negative thoughts identified and challenged
Doesnt explain all aspects: cannot easily explain extremes of anger/hallucinations or delusions
> Cognitive explanations (Ellis)
Activating negative event, overreactive beliefs, consequenses to overreaction.
Practical application in…
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