Public Health
- Created by: A.B.
- Created on: 01-06-13 09:55
Describe Key Features
- John Snow's Investigation into Cholera
- Did not accept that Cholera was airborne (Miasma).
- 1854 Cholera outbreak in Soho.
- Identified water pump as source of disease.
- This was dug three feet from a public cesspit.
- His theory was not widely accepted until after Pasteur.
- Government since 1948 have tried to prevent illness
- End of laissez faire.
- 1948 NHS
- 1956 Clean Air Act
- 1970s Single Issue Health Campaign.
- 2008 HPV Vaccine
- Healthy living.
- Diseases spreading rapidly in industrial towns during the 19th century.
- Crowded back to back housing.
- Did not understand Germ Theory
- No sanitation.
- Animals.
- Laissez-faire attitude.
- Poor
- Factories.
- No real treatment.
- Why people in towns had problems getting fresh water between 1350- 1750.
- Towns were growing
- Factory pollution
- Had to bring water in from outside - water carriers.
- Contamination from cess-pits.
- How Government have improved public health in period between 1900-45
- Midwives Act 1902
- Free Schoool meals 1906
- National…