RE Pacifism
- Created by: Natasha
- Created on: 05-02-13 17:56
Pacifism - the belief that war and violence is wrong and can never be justified
Absolute pacifism - the belief that it is never right to partake in war, even in self defence
Conditional pacifist - against the idea of war in general, but accepts that sometimes war is better than the alternative
Selective pacifism - opposition of a certain type of war such as one involving weapons of mass destruction eg nuclear weapons
Conscientious objector - someone who refuses to fight because they think it is morally wrong
Non-violent methods of protest: sitins, marches, strikes, passive resistance, civil disobedience, hunger strikes
Ghandi - was a pacifist, "An eye for an eye, and the world will soon be blind", made public speeches condemning British rule, he was a passive resister. He went to Prison on numerous occasions, he also made long marches to the sea. Ghandi did break laws he saw as unjust (and to be politically symbolic), such as when he made salt. People followed Ghandi by example
Matthew 5:38-39 'You have heard it say an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but I tell you do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let…
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