Relations between the Institutions of the Constitution
- Created by: ExamQueen101
- Created on: 19-03-21 05:59
The Power of Government
Government is the term given to all bodies that make, propose and carry out the policy and laws.
Prime Minister and Cabinet
The Prime Minister is Head of Government and is normally the leader of the largest party in the House of Commons.
The Cabinet is formed of the most senior members of the government, appointed by the Prime Minister and members head up government departments. The four most senior members are the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Foreign Secretary, the Home Secretary and the Defence Secretary.
The Sovereignty of Parliament
Only parliament can pass laws in the UK and can repeal or change them.
The Roles of the Legislature
Another name for Parliament, the body that can pass and amend laws. This can be done through the House of Commons or the House of Lords. The Scottish Parliament also has some ability to pass legislation relating to some Scottish matters.
The Opposition
The title 'Official Opposition' is given to the largest party not in government. It sits opposite the governing party in the House of Commons.The term 'Opposition' relates to all those MP's representing parties not in the government. The role is to hold the government to account for its actions and oppose government policies they disagree with.
The Monarch
In the UK the Monarch…
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