Resource Management - Selection and Purchase of household goods



You dont have any rights to return items if any of the following applies to that specific item:

  • You were informed of any faults before you bought the goods, or if the fault was so significant you should haave noticed when you purchased it.
  • You damage the goods yourself.
  • If you made a mistake and change your mind.
  • You want to return the goods as you found them cheaper somewhere else.

However many retailers will give you a certain time period in which you can return the item, (usually 30 days).

However you do have rights if the goods are faulty at the time of sale, if the goods are faulty there are remedies which will put it right, these are:

  • A full refund
  • Compensation
  • Repair/Replacement
  • Reduction in price

Legislation to protect the consumer

  • Sale and supply of goods act 1979/1994- three main aspects of this act: goods must be of satisfactory quality, goods must be fit for purpose and goods must be as described.
  • Trade description act 1968/1972- when a seller describes the goods to the consumer the consumer must not be misled in any way.
  • Food and drugs act 1955- ensures that food and drugs are named and labelled correctlyy and are produced in hygenic conditions.
  • Weights and measures act 1963- ensures the weights of a product is accurate.
  • consumers safety act 1978- protects consumers from goods which are dangerous
  • The consumer protection regulations 2000

Consumer rights when using services

  • Supply of goods and services act 1982- requires the supplier to carry out a service with reasonable care and skill.
  • Codes of practice - retailers join trade associations related to their trade, follow certain codes of practice to ensure a good service to consumers.

Consumer protection

  • The office of fair trading- protects consumers and explains their rights,and ensures businesses compete fairly.
  • The trading standards agency- provides information for all, makes sure no dangerous goods get to the shelves, ensures they're described and weighed properly, makes sure farm animals are protected.
  • The environmental health department- maintain, protect, and improve the quality of life in communities.
  • The food standards agency- aims to protect publics health and consumer interest when related to food.
  • Citizens advice bereau- offers free confidential and independant advice for all, all around the country.

Complaints procedure

  • 1. make sure that all facts are correct
  • 2. go back to the shop as soon as possible, take a proof of purchase.
  • 3. explain the problem and say what you expect, be calm but firm, make note of what was agreed.
  • 4. speak to someone of authority and get their name.
  • 5. write to head office and explain complaint and action taken, say what you expect, note when sent, keep copy and origianl document, take photo if necessary.
  • 6. if nothing happens within reasonable time, send another letter or phone, note time, date and person.
  • 7. if still not resolved possibly bring in other third party.
  • 8. write


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