R.S/R.E Edexcel Section 4 - Religion and Community Cohesion
- Created by: Sash
- Created on: 12-05-13 15:57
Section 4 – Religion and Community Cohesion
Community Cohesion – A common vision and a shared sense of belonging for all groups in soceity
Topic 4.1 – How and why attitudes have changed to roles of men and women in the UK
· Attitudes to men and women have changed greatly
· Women now have equal rights & men and women are expected to share jobs in the home
· Attitudes have changed because of the feminist movement
· Attitudes have changed because of social and industrial changes and the effects of the World Wars where both sexes had to work
Key Terms
· Sexism – discriminating against someone because of their race
Topic 4.2 – Different Christian attitudes to equal rights for men and women in religion
Traditional Protestant
· They believe only men should be religious leaders because this is what the Bible teaches
· They believe this because all of Jesus’ apostles were men
Liberal Protestants
· They believe men and women have equal roles in religion because Jesus had women disciples
· They think this because Genesis 1 says God created male and females at the same time
· They believe that men and women should have equal rights however men can become priests because Jesus was a man
· They believe this because all of Jesus’ apostles were men
Topic 4.3 – Different Islamic attitudes to equal rights for men and women
The Traditional Attitude
· Traditional Musilms believe that men and women should have different roles in life and religion because the Qur’an teaches that they have different physiques
· They also believe this is because it is traditional for only men to attend Mosques and be imams
The modern attitude
· Modern Muslims believe that men and women should have equal roles in religion because of the Qur’ans teachings
· They also believe this because the Prophet Muhammad encourage both men and women to pray in mosques
Topic 4.4 The nature of the UK as a multi-faith society, including the problems of discriminations of racism
· Britain has many ethnic minorities and so is a multi-faith society
· Multi-ethnic societies have many advantages such as advancing more quickly because they have a greater variety of ideas
· A multi-ethnic society needs equal proportions to work
· Prejudice and discrimination cause major problems in such a…
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