Russia - The Land Of The Tsars
- Created by: Paige Martin
- Created on: 26-09-12 15:12
The People Of Russia
Tsar Nicholas I in 1843 -> "There is no other country where is found such diversity of races, of manners, of religion, and of mind, as in Russia"
- Smaller national groups; each with own language, culture, religion, traditions ect...
- Russia has the largest single Jewish community in the world
- Over 100 different languages were spoken in Russia
This created a problem for the Tsars because ;
- Some ethnic groups wanted their own governments
- In 1830, the Poles revolted against Russian rule
How was Russia Ruled?
"The emperor of all the Russians is an autocratic and unlimited monarch: God himself ordains that all must bow to his supreme power, not only out of fear but also out of conscience."
- The motto of Nicholas I's regime was "Autocracy, Orthodoxy, Nationality"
- The imperial council of state would meet reguarly…
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