Russian Revolution: Scissor Crisis
- Created by: Ari3l
- Created on: 11-03-20 10:47
Scissor Crisis: name for the incident of 1923 Soviet History during the New Economic Policy when there was a widening gap between the industrial and agricultural prices.
New Economic Policy:
- This was the economic policy of the Soviet Union proposed by Vladimir Lenin in 1921 as a temporary expedient (plan).
- Lenin characterized the NEP in 1922 as an ecomonic system that would include a "free market and capitalism both subject to the state control."
- This was during the period where the Bolsheviks were facing rising opposition and rebellion
- This was an attempt by the Bolsheviks to revive the Russian Economy after years of War Communism
- War communism had left devastating effects and russia needed immediate application
- NEP policy was the opposite of War Communism
War Communism: Economic policy during the Russian Civil war from 1918-1921. Its primary goal was to make sure that the Red Army had enough food and supplies to win the Civil War.
What did the NEP policy do?
It reintroduced a measure…
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