Separatism case study, Tuaregs, Berbers and Berberism
- Created by: LivBarnes
- Created on: 24-02-17 14:24
Tuaregs are a group of nomadic, pastoralists who live in a large area of West Africa from Western Sahara to the Northern parts of western Sudan.
They have have no national state and government; therefore, indigenous poeple place their allegiance with tribes.
Berbers are indigenous people of North Africa. Historically, they sopke Berber langauge and local versions of it.
Today most Berber speaking people live in Morocco and Algeria. Some are scattered around Mali and Niger as well.
Berberism is a movement for nationalism based on ethnicity, culture and geography which began in Algeria and Morocco. Tuaregs are a type of Berber and they are in rebellion against Mali and attemted to create an independant state called Azawad in 2012. The rebellionoccured due to the oppression and discrimination from black Africans in Niger, the increase of cultural and political influence from Arab speaking countries and historical reasons.
Turkey Identity
They have Keyansheq a langauge related to the Libyan script. They have a specific written language.
They have courtship behaviours, songs, poetry, instruments etc..
The men are also veiled as well as the women as they believe in equal respect and gender equality. Woman are allowed to own property, have their own opinions, and it is traditions for the women to be promiscuous before marriage if they wish.
They are a type of muslim, different to IS and Al Queada, which is why their agreement to create Azawad didn't work out.
They are warlike, amd have raids ad their tradition was to be feared by ousiders.
This is a band formed from Tuaregs from different countries.
Many of the members are veterans of insurrection.
Some are unemployed migrants from Mali.
They sing songs based on homelessness, anger, concern, statelessness, and disenfranchised people (no political rights). Their aim is to be heard about the issues facing the Tuaregs du to Mali and Niger.
The origins of separatist pressure
Separatist pressure is an attempt by a group of people, within one or more countries to have greater autonomy or independence.
European colonial powers restricted the Tuaregs nomadic movements in the 950's/1960's, they requested autonomy but this was ignored.
Droughts in the 1970's destroyed their animals herds forcing many young men to leave and find work.
As migration routed changed because of desertification there was conflict and clashes with new towns, villages and cities.
National government gave no aid to the people.
The Tuareg in Niger
Niger has benn at unrest for 30 years.
rebels have demanded the right for children to learn Tamasheq at school, this intensified calls for independence.
Tuareg that had fled were promised assitance by the Nger…
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