Significance of Extra Parliamentary Protest 1790-1819
- Created by: Alexmac333
- Created on: 04-02-19 17:18
Significance of Extra Parliamentry Protest 1790-1819
The London Corresponding Society (1792-1793)
- Wanted a Liberal Revolution, universal suffrage and annual parliaments, founded by Thomas Hardy
- Aims set out in a key pamphlet in 1792, the Adress of the London Corresponding Societry to the other Societies of Great Britain
- Charged a very low subscription fee, made up of all classes, mainly working class
- Several reactionary groups established in response, Association for preserving liberty and property against republicans and levelers (1792)
- Government used loyalist press to circulate propaganda and prop up association movement
Spa Fields Meeting (1816)
- Led by middle class leaders such as Sir Francis Burdett…
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