significance of the putsch
- Created by: Chantelle
- Created on: 15-06-10 14:05
The Munich Putsch was an attempted overthrow of the Weimar Republic by the Nazis to establish an authoritarian system of government. The plan was to take control of Munich on the night of the 8th November 1923 and then to march on Berlin, gathering support along the way. The successful takeover of power by Mussolini in Italy in October 1922, combined with the developing internal crisis in Germany convinced Hitler that the opportunity to seize power had arrived. It is my intention to discuss the significance of the putsch and in doing so emphasise how the Munich Putsch represents a turning point in Nazi history.
To have any chance of success Hitler needed the support of the triumvirate (3 leaders of the Bavarian government – Kahr, Lossow & Seisser) who controlled the Bavarian army and police. On the night of 8th November Hitler burst in and stormed the platform of a meeting held in the Beer Cellar. After pushing the triumvirs into a side room and with the help of Ludendorff he got the 3 triumvirs back on the platform where they promised loyalty and shook hands with Hitler. From this point things went wrong. Ludendorff set Kahr free, who fearing failure, abandoned the plan and went about getting the putsch stopped by informing the army and police. The following noon 2OOO men set out and were met by the army and police. A gunfight ensued leaving 14 Nazis and 4 policemen dead. Hitler fled and was arrested two days later and put on trial for treason. The putsch was over before it had really…
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