Situational Crime Prevention


Situational Crime Prevention

Ron Clarke (1992) - 'pre-emptive approach that relies, not on improving society or its institutions, but simply on reducing opportunities for crime'

Three features of measures aimed at situational crime prevention:

  • Directed at specific crimes
  • Managing or altering the immediate environment of the crime
  • Increasing the effort and risk of committing crime and reducing the rewards

Target Hardening- e.g. locking all doors and windows increases the effort that the burgular has to go to, in order to commit the crime. e.g increased CCTV in shops or around shops increases the likelihood of them being caught.

This is a rational choice theory of crime ie the criminals act ratioanlly, weighing up the costs and benefits of a crime before deciding whether to commit a crime.

Clarke argues that most theories offer no realistic solutions to crime, the most obvious thing


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