Society and Health- Key issues for society part 2
- Created by: Megan Mcwilliams
- Created on: 13-05-11 10:46
leisure patterns have massively changed throughout the years, this is due to the following factors:
- Employment- unemployed people generally spend more time watching television than any other leisure activity, where as employed people may get out a lot more.
- Age- if your a lot younger then you will join clubs like scouts, where as if you older then you do more 'adult' things like going to the pub.
- Gender- women have less leisure time due to having to work, and then go home to domestic work and childcare.
- Marriage/Cohabitation- couples will make leisure activities probably with other couples.
- Dependent children- if you have younger children then it will be a lot harder for parents to have leisure time.
- Education- research has shown that less educated people watch a lot more TV than highly educated people.
- Income- if your on quite a low income then you wont have a lot of money to spend on leisure activities as it will all go bills.
- Time available- if you work a lot or look after children, then your own personal leisure time may be more limited.
- Location- if you live in a rural location then you wont have many community leisure facilities.
- Holidays- holidays have massively increased, especially holidays abroad.
Local authorities have an obligation to home certain types of homeless people first, that includes:
- pregnant women
- people with dependent children
- the vulnerable; old age, mental disorders or physical disability
- those with vulnerable people in their family
- those who lost their home due to an emergency e.g. earthquake
Causes of homelessness:
- Eviction
- Loss of employment
- Health problems
- Unable to be accommodated by parents, relatives or friends
- Breakdown of a relationship
- Mortgage or rent arrears
- Moving out of a home
- Emergencies like earthquakes
- Limited housing supplies
Effects of homelessness:
- Low self-esteem
- Limited access to health and hygiene
- Boredom
- Difficulties with relationships
- Increased dangers
- Lack of privacy
- There are two main types of housing available in the UK, they are: house/bungalow and flat/maisonette
- The size of the home all depends on the size of the household, and financial income.
- 80% of the UK live in a house or bungalow.
- There are two main housing options available: buying a home or renting a home.
Renting from a Registered Social Landlord (RSL)
- Independent and non-profit making
- Important providers of social housing, which can also be described as affordable homes provided by councils or RSL's.
- Receive money off the government to build houses, only income is through the rent
- In 2005, 2.2 million homes were rented from RSL's.
- Rents are fixed by the goverment.
- Most local authorities provide a waiting list for RSL homes, as they work in cooperation.
- RSL's also help a lot in the community, by providing community schemes to stop social exclusion.
- You have to apply to rent a home from RSL's or councils.
- Preferenceis given to those who need it most
- Homes can sometimes be allocated through a point scoring system.
Renting from a Private Landlord
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