Society and Health - Social Issues
- Created by: Megan Mcwilliams
- Created on: 22-05-11 16:17
- A system supported by the government that attempts to provide economic security for people who are unemployed, elderly or ill, e.g. NHS.
- The Beveridge report was produced after WW2 and immediatly set up health care systems, housing and employment opportunities for nation.
- It was established to fight against the five ' evil giants ', these giants were :
- 1. WANT - many people were very poor, and being unable to work was the main cause of poverty, the report created National Insurance, a tax paided by workers to provide sickness and disability benefits, retirement pensions, and widows and maternity benefits for those unable to work.
- 2. DISEASE - The heath of the nation was poor, and being were unable to pay for own medical bills, the NHS was then formed.
- 3. IGNORANCE - Most children left school at 14 or before,so welfare reform made education free, and compulsory until the age of 15, and offered free milk, school dinners and medical services.
- 4. SQUALOR - Many people lived in poor housing,mainly due to the war, social housing was introduced and made decent home for all.
- 5. IDLENESS- After the war there was a very high employment rate, so industries were taken over by the government to keep employment rates up.
Welfare reform
- Many of the good intentions of the welfare reform met many problems.
- The cost of the NHS continued to rise, and peoples expectations of health care also risen.
- Some charges were introduced for some health services.
The NHS now
- On a typical day in the NHS:
- Almost onemillion people visit their family doctor.
- 130,000 go to the dentist for a checkup.
- 33,000 people get the care they need in A+E.
- 8000 people are carried in an NHS ambulance.
- 1.5 million prescriptions are dispensed.
- 2000 babies are delivered.
- 25,000 operations are carried out, including 320 heart operations and 125 kidney operations.
- 30,000 recieve a free eye test.
- District nurses make 100,000 visits.
- The main sources of health and social service providers are:
- Statutory health and social services provided by law which are free of charge.
- Private sector health and social services which need to be paid for by the individual.
- Voluntary health and social services which is provided by charities and voluntary organisations.
- Informal health care which is…