sociology aqa privatisation of education
- Created by: annabelglover
- Created on: 31-05-17 10:55
privatisation of education
(defined as the transferring of educational services from public services to private businesses)
Ball and Youdell identified 2 different kinds of privatisation:
refers to privatisation WITHIN education, so schools start acting and becoming more like businesses. This includes policies and strategies that make education more like a business, by gathering ideas from private sector in terms of how to run schools. Making schools more competitve, parental choice increase, target setting, league tables and inspections etc. All these techniques were imported from extrernal businesses and aimed to make education more like a business.
endogenous privatisation refers to privatisation OUTSIDE of schools, where businesses start running and managing schools or delivering aspects of educarion that were formally delivered by the state.
Involves private businesses taking over processes in education such as teacher training, cleaning, school transport, payroll etc. Can lead to privately owned chains of acadmies, also includes things such as school inspections from…