- Created by: blaithin
- Created on: 03-03-17 14:00
The biological area...
Behaviour is determined by biological factors such as the brain, the nervous system and genetic makeup.
Strengths and weaknesses of the biological area...
+ Mainly use lab experiments which are highly controlled
+Repetite use of psychological equipment such as MRI scans are scientific as they are un-bias and objective
-However lab experiments do lack ecological validity
-Reductionist as believes behaviour is only due to biological factors and ignores other factors such as social factors
Our brain is divided into two hemispheres,the right and the left. Each hemisphere is associated with different abilities.
Left=logical (language and understanding)
Right=creative (drawing and spatial and awareness)
It is divided through thecorpus callosum.
Epilepsy is braught by a sudden eletrical charge through the corpus callosum which interupts our brain patterns.
In the 1940's to cure epilepsy tghey cut the coripus callosum to stop the eletrical charge spreading through the brain. This is known as split brain surgery.From this it did semm to work, their epilepsy had stopped and there were sudden side effects.Sperry was intreuged by this and wish to study whether the corpus cakllosum formed any real purpose but also exaly what the twohemispheres controlled.
To study the function of the two seperate hemispheres
11 PP'S that had undergone spit brain surgery
Sperry inventea peiceof equipment wich tested the difference between split half pp's an normal pp's brains.It did this by presenting information to only one hemisphere.This appuratus was called a tachistoscope.
Sperry presented them with two…
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