Statutory Interpretation
- Created by: charlotte
- Created on: 29-12-10 17:23
Statutory Interpretation; the way in which judges decide to apply the
Why needed?
A broad term;
- words that cover possibilities,
- problems of understanding.
- Words with two meanings,
- which should be used?
A Drafting Error;
- Errors in bills,
- unnoticed by Parliament,
- likely to occur when Bill's amended many times.
New developments;
- New technology,
- not covering a situation.
Change of language;
- Word meanings change.
Literal Rule.
- Primary rule.
- Precedent over others.
- Words of the statute literally.
- Given natural or ordinary meaning.
- Law stays clear.
- Consistent.
- Absurd & unjust results.
R v Harris 18 36.
- Bit off victims nose.
- "stab, cut or wound".
- Biting wasn't within meaning.
- Weapon had to be used.
- Not guilty.
London & North Eastern Railway v Berriman 19 46.
- Oiling Railway track.
- No look out provided.
- "relaying & repairing".
- Failed to claim compensation.
Golden Rule.
- Literal…
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