The British Sector of the Western Front 1914-1918 - The Western Front Setup
- Created by: explorer_meg
- Created on: 23-05-19 14:58
Western Front
- Outbreak of War in August 1914
- Main Focus for fighting
- German army opened the Western Front by invaiding Luxemburg and Belgium
- Then gained military control of industrial areas in France
- The tide of the advance was turned with the Battle of Marne
- Following the Race to the Sea:
- Dug in along a meandering line of fortified trenches
- Stretched from North Sea to Swiss Frontier with France
- It changed very little apart from early 1917 and 1918
- 11 November 1918
- To break dead lock they tried new millitary technology:
- Poison Gas
- Aircrafts
- Tanks
Trenches - General
- 2.5m deep
- Impossible to see over the top
- Two…
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