The Changing Political Environment, 1917-80
- Created by: LewysJones17
- Created on: 21-02-18 11:49
How did the Political Environment Change, 1917-33?
Impact of WW1
Wilson took the USA into WW1 and tried to get the USA to join the 'League of Nations' - lots of opposition to both.
Return to 'Normalcy'
- Harding became President in 1921, promising return to 'normalcy'
- 'Normacly' meant a stable, steady way of life and returning to how things were before the war
- Short, sharp economic depression - unemployment went from 950k in 1919 to 5mil in 1921 - lots of social discontent
- Said govt had to balance its books, reduce taxation and introduce tariffs to protect US industry
- The process of isolating the US from international problems
- Trade tariffs introduced to favour US businesses, encouraged people to 'Buy American' - Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act
- Not joining 'League of Nations' or setting up colonies
- Reduced number of immigrants coming into country
- Great Depression helped US focus on its own problems rather than others
- Hire Purchase - Repayments over period of time
Presidency Change
Many people argued that Wilson was too involved in govt decison making - turned many to Republican ideals
The Appeal of Republicanism
- The Republican policy was laissez-faire, meaning 'leave well alone' and suggested that govt involvement should be kept to a minimum
- Govt should control its own spending rather than spending to help those failing
- Harding didn't interfere - didn't draft laws or get dragged into international politics
- Democrats couldn't agree on a candidate
- Collidge combined Laissez-faire with a dignity and morality that Republicans hoped would restore faith in their party
- The US entered a period of recovery and prosperity - led many to believe Republicanism was working
Influences on the Political Landscape
First Red Scare, 1919-20
- 1905-17, Russia went through series of revolutions, which resulted in the Monarchy being replaced in 1917 by a communist govt - sent shockwaves around the world
- US fear of communism increased further when workers began to strike
- Anarchists distributed pamphlets urging a revolution. By 1919, there was more than 3,600 strikes
- In 1919 in Seattle, over 60,000 workers went on strike, Police was sent to break up
- Fear continued to increase causing some businesses to sack employees they suspected - people began blaming everyone
- KKK target all 'Un-Americans'
Rugged Individualism
- Hoover gave Republican laissez-faire policy a spin that dwelt less on inaction but more on allowing people to take responsibility for themselves
- Developed theory of 'rugged individualism' which believed that: The people were weakened by the govt and sapped their self-reliance, USA should isolate themselves from other countries, and they should restrict immigration
The Great Depression
- In 1929, the 'boom' combined with the out of control share trading to produce the Wall Street Crash
- Unemployment soared - people lost homes and banks/businesses failed
- Republicans didn't intervene as they believed it would sort itself out like the previous depression
Decline of Republicanism
- Following the Wall Street Crash, Hoover set up a Federal Farm Board to help farmers
- Hoover realised that laissez-faire wasn't working
- Believed private charities was the answer, who would offer…