The Multi-store Model and The Working Memory Model
- Created by: Bacon booty
- Created on: 20-05-17 13:32
The Multi-store Model
The sensory registor- The sensory registor takes in stimuli from our surroundings and encodes either iconically (visual) or echonically (acoustic). This has an almost limitless capacity yet very little is passed to the STM, it is only passed on if you pay attention to it.
Short term memory- Has a capacity of 5-9 items, a duration of up to 30 seconds without rehearsal and information is encoded acoustically. Information is passed on to the Long term memory if it is continuous rehearsal.
Long term memory- Has a limitless capacity, a limitless duration and encodes information semantically.
- The multi-store model is supported by Baddeley's, Peterson and Petersons's, Bahrick's and Jacob's studies and they all show that the Long term memory and short term memory stores are very different from each other.
- Craik and Watkins found that there is a different type of rehersal called elaborative rehersal that links memories to the long term memory instead of rehersal, it involves thinking about the meaning of the information and linking it to previous memories. this is a weakness of the multi store model because it means that the model in incomplete and over-simplified.
- The model is not supported by research done on Clive Wearing and KF as the research shows that there are different types of short term memory (KF could remember things he read himself yet not…
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