The Rappoports' Theory of Family Diversity
- Created by: themoderrnage
- Created on: 21-04-21 18:26
- Rhonda and Robert Rappoport argued that, in the 1980s, the family was becoming a more diverse institution rather than being a conventional or nuclear family as others suggested.
- In the wake of rapid social change from the 1960s onwards, the different types of family were changing and the Rappoports identified the changes that were occurring.
- They used a range of secondary sources to establish five types of diversity in daily life.
The Five Types of Family Diversity
- Organisational Diversity.
- Cultural Diversity.
- Social Class Diversity.
- Life Course Diversity.
- Cohort Diversity.
Organisational Diversity
- This refers to the organisation of the family structure and its support networks,
- Some families may divide labour equally, others may have a main provider and a parent that stays at home.
- Other families may rely upon the assistance of relatives or friends to support them.
- Employment, marital status and the presence of non-biological guardians and parents all have different impacts on family life.
Cultural Diversity
- In the United Kingdom, there was mass migration in the post-war period, creating greater ethnic diversity in society.
- Families from minority ethnic backgrounds may have different structures, different ways of…
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