The Welfare State-introduction, positives and negatives.
- Created by: florous
- Created on: 02-03-17 13:48
The Welfare State
The welfare state is a system supported by the government that attempts to provide economic security for people when they are unemployed, ill or elderly. E.g. the National Health Service(NHS) and state benefits.
The idea of a welfare state was developed by the economist and social reformer William Beveridge during WW2. He produced the Beveridge Report which pulled together many different ideas about social reform.
Implementing the Beveridge Report was immediately seen as part of winning the peace after the war and gave the government a major role in providing decent health care, housing and employment opportunities for the nation. It was established to fight the 5 ‘evil giants’ that faced post-war Britain: Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness.
Positives (when it was first introduced):
- (Want)Many people were very poor after WW2 from being unable to work. The report created National Insurance, a tax paid by workers to provide sickness and unemployment benefit, retirement pensions and a widows and maternity benefit for those unable to work.
- (Disease)The health of the nation was poor and the poorest could not afford healthcare. With new legislation the NHS was formed and every British citizen received free medical, dental and optical services.
- (Ignorance)Most children left school at 14 or before. Welfare reform made …
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