The experience economy


Culture is the attitudes, values and feelings we have as a group or institution. It has paved the way for cultural and creative industries.

The leisure industries have increased due to the decline in natural resource industries.

Different types of creative industries:

Core Creative workers:




-Cultural institutions.

Content Production Cluster:

-Music producers.

-Commercial thertre companies.


-Magazine, book, newspaper publishing.

Wider Creative Industries:



The DCMS believe preserving pur culture is important for how we view ourselves as a community, and how others view us. Culture in the form of sport, art, recreation, parks etc. can improve wider social inclusion, regeneration and bring economic benefits to the country.

The 1950's saw growth in consumerism, and by 1997 the UK Creative Industries Taskforce had been created with the job of mapping out the economy of Britains creative industries. 2005 saw the introduction of the Creative Economy Programme.

In 2008 the DCMS created 'A Creative Britain: New Talents for the New Economy'. This aimed to improve the quality of life throughout the UK through cultural and sporting activities, support the pursuit of excellence and improve the tourism, creative and leisure industries.

Tony Blair's government slogan was 'Cool Britannia', marketing Britain as a trendy place to visit. This showed that leisure was something to be sold and commercialised.

33% of UK's creative industry is based in London, employing 140,000 people and making up 7% of London's economy.

Creative industries: Generating new and orginal ideas or new ways of solving problems. It's used to add value to products.

Cultural industries: Expressing shared values, beliefs and traditions and ways…


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