The Growth of Opposition 1881-1904
- Created by: Emma Boyle
- Created on: 29-04-15 20:34
The Growth of Opposition 1881-1904
In 1881 Tsar Alexander was assassinated; this caused the coronation of Alexander III who was a much more reactionary Tsar. His son Nicholas II eventually succeeded him in 1894 and as far as reaction was concerned, Nicholas II wished to 'rule the Romanov way'.
Liberal Demands
- Liberals; usually members of the Intelligensia and nobility who want a better deal for the people.
- They wanted Greater Democracy, an elected assembly, full civil rights and universal suffrage.
- Their methods and results were formed pressure and discussion groups to ask for peaceful constitutional change.
Revolutionaries' Demands
- The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks and other SR's come here.
- They wanted to get rid of the Tsar and mobilise the people!
- Their methods and results were assassinations', strikes, rioting and eventually assisted in 1905 Revolution.
Nationalists' Demands
- Nationalists was a broad term for groups of Poles, Balkan states and other non-Russians in the Empire who want out!
- They wanted independence from the Tsar
- Their methods were strikes and violent action.
Aside from these major groups there were other reasons that workers and the general populace was unhappy in these periods; partially to do with the work…
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