The Power Struggle
- Created by: Sumtimesadness
- Created on: 24-02-14 08:02
The Triumvirate versus Trotsky and the Left Opposition
- Triumvirate formed in 1923 with Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev to deny Trotsky power
- Ensure Trotsky was unable to master the party
- Destroy Trotsky influence by questioning his ideology and loyalty to Lenin
- Zinoviev and Kamenev persuaded Central Committe not to publish Lenin's testament which would destroy Stalin
- As General Secretary Stalin drew up a list of approved candidates for the Party congress therefore stalin had control over who attended the important congress
- Trotsky poor health meant he missed meetings and refused to make private alliances
- 'Cult of Lenin- denyed trotsky power because it promoted Trotsky as disloyal to Lenin
- Stalin lied about the date of the funeral so Trotsky didnt attend
- Zinoviev and Kamenev criticised Trotskys Lessons of October because it only promoted Trotsky role
- Truimvirate promoted Trotsky as a Menshevik and highlighted the disagreements with Lenin in the past
- Stalin was promoting Socialism in One country which Zinoviev and Kamenev disagreed with breaking alliance.
Dummvirate versus the Left
- Stalin united with Bukharin
- Both agreed Socialism in one country was possible
- Both…
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