Theories and Methods - Society as a Functional Unit
- Created by: Kelsey Gilder
- Created on: 06-06-11 13:00
Durkheim and Social Facts
- Durkheim believed that sociology should be the study of social facts
- Social facts are objective, external and constraining
- Society has a distinct quality that cannot be reduced to the motives of individuals
- In his theory of suicide, Durkheim was arguing that the level of external constraint in society could shape behaviour
- His main concern was how society hangs together through shared values
- This is the collective conscience
Parsons and Society as a Social System
- Society is a functional unit
- People have the capacity to make decisions
- Core values and norms create social integration
- Society has three systems - the personality system, the social system and the cultural system
- The social system is the central system, for it to function and survive it must fulfill the functional prerequisites
- These are - adaption, goal attainment, integration and pattern maintenance
- The systems are interconnected
- However Parsons is keen to link social structure to social action and suggests people can choose their own…
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