Theories of Ideology
- Created by: sophie
- Created on: 15-01-15 14:00
Ideology definition- 'science of new idea's'
Ideology has been defined in a large variety of ways
- As a set of political beliefs, eg socialism, liberalism
- As the ideas and beliefs of a particular social class
- As the dominant ideas and beliefs of a ruling class
- As the official beliefs if a political system, e.g in totaliterian (dictorial) regimes like Hitler's Germany.
- As a set of beliefs that represent a total view of reality, e.g religious fundamentalism.
Your Social and Political perspective influences how you define IDEOLOGY
Marxists- See ideology as the set of ruling ideas that keep workers in their place.
Feminists- See ideology as both the set of ideas that keep women oppressed (patriachal ideology) and a potentially liberating set of beliefs. (feminism)
Liberals (pluralists)- Tend to see ideology as totalitarian and oppressive- eg Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany both had offical ideologies which were repressive…
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