timeline of important events
- Created by: Lucybarrow444
- Created on: 03-06-18 22:17
1384-49- black death
1. Religious
2. Miasma
3. Astrology- position of mars Jupiter and Saturn in 1345 made astrologers think something wonderful or terrible about to happen
1. Popping buboes
2. Praying
3. Bleeding, purging
4. Smell strong smelling herbs like aloe and myrrh (believed to have cleansing properties)
5. Theracia
6. Lighting fir/ buring vinegar
1. Fast & pray
2. Flaggelation
3. Pilgrimage
4. Smell sweet smelling herbs-miasma
5. Gov attempted quarantine
6. Keep clean- regimen sanitatis
1440- printing press- Gutenburg german gold smith
By 1500 loads around Europe
Took printing out of church’s hands; physicians could criticize galen
Info spread accurately and quicker
Less inconsistencies in the same versions of text
Translations to spread around world
1533-henry VIII break from Rome
1536- Dissolutions of monasteries
Many hospitals connected to monasteries so ran by church
Took hospitalisation out of church’s hands
Reduced numbers of hospitals but re-set up by charities not religious sponsors but took
Wasn’t until well into 1700s hospitals regained its numbers
1543- De Humani Corporis Fabrica/ On the Fabric of the Human Body & andreas Vesalius
Proved galen wrong- found around 300 mistakes
Local magistrate allowed him to dissect bodies of excuted criminals
1628- William Harvey publishes book on the circulation of blood
Arm experiment
Tried pumping liquids through veins opposite way-wouldn’t do it
Proved galen wrong
Left many questions- liver didn’t digest food and produce blood the what did it do? blood didn’t nourish the body then what nourished us?
1660- Royal society meet in London for first time
Promote and carry out experiments to further the understanding of scienceheavily promoted sharing of scientific knowledge and encouraged argument iver new theories and ideas
1662- Charles II gave royal society a royal charter
Gave them credibility
Raised profile- more sent work in to be published, people gave more donations
1665- Great plague arrives in Britain
Miasma-most popular
Known it could be passed on between people
Astrology – oct 1664 unusual alignment between Saturn ond Jupiter and on 12th nov between Saturn and mars a comet had been spotted- all signs of bad luck
Punishment from God- god sent it to clean up kingdom of wickedness
sweet smelling herbs- carrying a pomander
gain syphilis- both cause buboes so if you syphilis you wouldn’t get the plague
public meetings, fairs and large funerals banned
theaters shut
streets and alleyways swept clean
fires burned in streets and had sweet smelling stuf burned in them to drive away miasma
cats dogs and pigeons killed if seen on street as they believed they help spready disease
searchers and wardens to seek out infected and take them to pest houses or quarantine with a red cross and …
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