To what extent is the House of Commons successful in carrying out its various functions?
- Created by: Nye Merrill-Glover
- Created on: 26-04-13 14:02
- One of the key functions of the House of Commons is to keep government in check, this role is highlighteed on the rare occasions when Parliament defies the government and rebels, one of these instances is the case which involved holding terrorism suspects without trial for an extended period following the 7/7 bombings, in which the government bill was defeated in the House of Commons
- Many argues that the House of Commons provides, first and foremost, a means for representation for the British people as well as individual constituencies. One such example of a member putting his constituency before the party is
- However limited by party control of the Commons, the Commons remains a scrutinising body, regularly reviewing and debating proposed legislation.
- Question Time, held every day between Monday and Thursday, forces ministers to be accountable to Parliament. PMQs also forces the Prime Minister to take questions from the House
However the House of Commons can be limited in carrying out its intended functions, factors the do limit this include:
- Since the development of disciplined political parties in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the ability of individual members to scrutinise and debate legislation is severely weakened. This is because most of the time the governing party is the party with the most seats in the House of Commons, so…
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