- Created by: Jenan
- Created on: 12-06-11 23:12
1780 - The British government had faced a crisis
- Transportation had already been in use as a punishment for 100 years
- Government could no longer transport convicts to America because the colonies there had won their independence
- Prisons and Hulks were rapidly becoming overcrowded
The British government was desperate for another colony to take its criminals
- Several colonies including the west indies were considered
- The last was the scarcely known Australia, discovered in 1770 by James Cook
- A little possibility of sending anyone to find out whether Australia would be a good convict settlement:
- It took 8 months for a round trip
- The first fleet set sail for Australia in May 1787
- Eleven ships left Portsmouth carrying 1026 people, 736 of whom were convicts sentenced to transportation for seven years, fourteen years or life.
- Youngest was nine, oldest was 82 years old
- Next fleet was two years later
Why did the government introduce Transportation to Australia?
- An alternative was needed to hanging
- Hanging was widely seen to be extreme for minor crimes
- Courts were unwilling to convict people
- Imprisonment costed a lot
- Transportation was seen as the middle 'Punishment between the extremes of execution and the…