TV Drama: Editing
- Created by: Natalie Slade
- Created on: 04-04-13 13:00
- Editing is a term used to describe the process of joing shots together to make a coherent narrative (story) or scene.
- How the shots are joined can have an effect on how we interpret the story and the events within it.
- When analysing editing editing we need to consider: the style of editing, the speed or pace of editing.
Continuity or 'Invisible' editing
- This is the most common form of editing that is used in TV Drama.
- Edits go unnoticed by the audience - the action seems more natural and seamless.
- Used to create a sense of reality and authenticity by using techniques such as shot/reverse shot, eyeline match and cross-cutting.
- This type of editing is IDEOLOGICAL because it is used to construct a reality that we become immersed in and not question.
- If a TV drama uses in visible editing we need to examine closely the type of reality it presents to us to see what it is representing as 'natural'.
Style of Transition
- The type of edit between shots - also known as the transition - is significant as it is one of the ways that editing can be used to create meaning.
- the simplest type of transition is the straight cut.
- cuts are used in continuity editing and makes the action seem natural and realistic as we don't notice the shots being joined together.
- one shot fades off the screen while another fade in.
- audience see both shots on the screen at the mid-point of the dissolve.
- shows connections between characters, places, objects. Also…
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