TV Drama: Mise-en-scene
- Created by: Natalie Slade
- Created on: 03-04-13 12:49
What is Mise-en-scene?
- It is a French word that translates literally as "putting on stage."
- When applied to TV Drama, mise-en-scene refers to everything that appears before the camera - the visual signs that give us information about the programme.
Analysing Mise-en-scene
The following are four ways in which we can analyse the mise-en-scene within a TV Drama. These add up to an instantly recognisable atmosphere which is 'authentic' for the events, themes and people that are being represented.
- Body language
- Colour and lighting
- Costumes and props (including make-up)
- Setting
Mise en scene is an important aspect of TV Drama as it is one of the key ways a programme will communicate with its audience.
When analysing mise en scene you must consider body language, setting, colour/lighting and costume/props/make up.
The body language used by characters can tell…
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