unit 21 Custodial Care Services
- Created by: thespecialtiger
- Created on: 06-06-18 14:54
P1Describe the physical, dynamic and procedural security considerations in a custodial environment
Physical security
Physical security has two main purposes, to create physical barriers to restrict movement and prevent escape, and to monitor the inmates and their behaviour. This is seen through the locks and cells that keep the prisoners safe and secure. Other examples include alarms, fences, paroles of an area, searches and the equipment that goes with that. These are to ensure the prison is secure and safe for not only the prisoners, but for the public to be safe from the prisoners, which contributes to another factor of CCTV and controlled zones. Physical security is any method and equipment that is used to keep prisoners in an orderly fashion and to deter them from attempting escape or riot. Searches are an important part of this first type of security as they are (in accordance to Rule 41 of the statutory instrument The Prison Rules 1999) ‘searched when taken into custody by an officer, on his reception into a prison and subsequently as the governor thinks necessary or as the secretary of state may direct.’ As well as routine check in all local areas of the prison and individual cells there are also random checks to find anything that may be well concealed during regular checks.. Equipment used for this are dogs to help find drugs or phones, and specialist equipment for example being the use of infrared cameras.
Dynamic security
Dynamic security is based on intelligence and surveillance on prisoners to assess patterns and the exchanging of contraband. The role of the officer is the most vital part of the officer, with routines and intelligence systems such as prisoner files. The need for dynamic security is again to protect both prisoners and prison guards. Having the intelligence systems in place helps aid the collection and analysis of data to keep the prison a safe environment, a part of doing so is intercepting mail and phone calls. Good relationships between staff and prisoners have shown a decrease to the suicide risks of prisoners. Officers must also to monitor movement of everyone in the prison, to ensure that prisoners actually go to work and their classes if they are in education, to ensure that when there are visits; going to and from is done in an orderly, secure fashion. Family or domestic visits are closely monitored and any suspicious activity is watched closely.
Procedural security
Procedural security is ensuring physical and dynamic security procedures are carried out, including creating a daily routine that must be followed, protocol on lock downs and search points, and operational procedures for screening and searching. Best described as: ‘the plan that puts dynamic and physical security to use.’ Due to the risks associated with prisoners, guards should not be alone with a prisoner unless a specific-to-inmate risk assessment has been filed and there is assistance who can be summoned readily. All activities and equipment must be risk assessed and controls placed to manage…
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