Unit 4- Existence of God
- Created by: jessaacroz
- Created on: 24-02-17 18:51
Topic 1 The Existence of God
Candidates need only refer to one religious tradition in this section. Candidates will be expected to know the following terms: theist, atheist, agnostic. Candidates may be asked questions on the following arguments for God’s existence:
• First Cause argument (cosmological argument);
• Design argument (teleological argument);
• argument from miracles;
• argument from religious experience;
• argument from morality;
• arguments against belief in the existence of God.
Candidates will be expected to be able to outline arguments in any of the preceding areas:
• they will also be expected to be able to outline basic problems with the arguments;
• how plausible/strong are the arguments?;
• what faults lie within them?
William Paley (1743-1805)
- If you found a watch on th ground you would presume it has a designer and couldnt come togather by chance because it is too ordered and complicated, so there must be a designer.
- Because the universe is also ordered and complicated, someone must has deigned it too, the designer being God.
Aquinas- 'it is plain that they achieve their end not fortuitosly but design'-Achieve things not by chance but by design e.g. cows make milk
Dawkins- 'the temptation to attribute the appearence of design to another/ actual design is a false one' (Evolution)
F.R.Tennatt- 'the universe is designed perfectly to sustain are human life'. e.g. the sun is just the right distance away (Goldilocks- too hot/too cold)
Dyson- 'As we identify the many accidents of physics that have worked togather to our benefit it seems as if the universe knew we were coming'
- The world os knot a machine all things in nature ahve a similar causer to the rock
- Not all like effects dont have a like cause
- We dont have aything to compare our univere to and we have no experience
- Maybe if it was created by a frail/evil/young God, or by many gods- we see god as human
AJ Ayer- limited experience means that we cannot tell the difference between designed or nkot designed.
Weak Anthrotic principle- We are suited to the universe and vice versa e.g. apuddle does not have a specal hole, it fits and thats that.
Multi-universe theorys- That withn a universe one planet out of many is life-sustaining so is not a miracle.
Cosmological- to dow the…