Unit 3: A spiritual revolution? (Summary)
- Created by: Charlotte
- Created on: 23-04-13 09:04
Some sociologists argue that a spiritual revolution is taking place in which traditional Christianity is giving way to 'holistic spirituality' or New Age beliefs and practices that emphasise personal development and subjective experience.
- Growth of a 'spiritual market' -> books on self-help and spirituality, practitioners, courses and 'therapies', meditation to crystal healing.
Contrasts between Religion and spirituality
- Life as duty
- Self-sacrifice
- Deference
- Conforming with external authority
- Family life: traditional values and discipline
- Employment: service to an organisation
- Future of religion: out of step and losing ground
- Life as discovery
- Personal development
- Autonomy
- Connecting with your inner self
- Family life: emotional bonds and self-expression
- Employment: professional growth
- Future of spirituality: gorwing and gaining ground.
Heelas and Woodward (study of Kendal in Cumbria…
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