
  • Created by: Djoumana
  • Created on: 19-11-17 01:31

Urbanisation is happening fastest to poorer countries:

·         Urbanisation is the growth in the proportion of country's population living in urban areas.

·         It's happening in countries all over the world- more that 50% of the world's population currently live in urban areas and this is increasing every day.

·         The rate of urbanisation differs between countries that are richer and those that are poorer,

·         High income Countries (HICs) are more economically developed like the UK, Japan and Germany. Urbanisation happened earlier in HICs that LICs and NEEs, e.g. during the industrial revolution, and most of the population now already live in urban areas.

·         HICs have very slow rates of urban growth, and many people desiring a better quality of life are moving away from overcrowded cities to rural areas. Good transport and communication networks mean that people in HICs can live in rural areas and commute to cities, or work from home.

·         Low income Countries (LICs) are less economically developed, like, Ethiopia, Nepal and Afghanistan. Not many of the population in LICs currently live in urban areas. In general, the fastest rate of urbanisation in the world are in LICs.

·         Newly Emerging




This was really helpful thank you so much x

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