
  • Created by: NTipper99
  • Created on: 04-06-17 20:57


Verification means checking that the data being entered into the ICT system perfectly matches the source of the data. For example, if details from an order form were being typed in using a keyboard, then when the user has finished, the data on the form on the screen will be identical to that on the paper form (i.e the data source). There are three methods of verification:

  • proof reading
  • double entry of data
  • sending back printouts

Proof Reading

Proof reading involves one user carefully reading what they have typed in and comparing it with what is on the data source (order forms, application forms, invoices etc) for any errors, which can then be corrected. Suppose you are entering pupil details into a pupil database for a school. The parents will usually provide the information the form that has been sent to them. The details on this form are then keyed into the database. Typing mistakes are easily made and it is easily made and it is easy to misread information on a sheet. Once the person person inputting the information has finished, they will carefully work through the information contained in each field with what  is supplied on the application form to check that the…


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