Victims and the Criminal Justice System. CRIM102 Lancaster
- Created by: Busybeerevision
- Created on: 15-06-19 16:24
Victims and the Criminal Justice System
Victimological perspectives
Researching victims
Extent of victimisation
Public policy
Victimological perspectives
Positivist Victimology
Focused on
Victim precipitation
Victim proneness
Some people are more at risk than others
Similar to how some groups are more likely to be criminals
Victim culpability
Victim blaming
How are victims to blame for being a victim?
What is an ideal victim?
Worthy of sympathy
A lot of victimisation is hidden
Hierarchy of victimisation
Children near the top
Gang members near the bottom
Exists even though those near the bottom are often the most at risk
Radical victimology
Associated with the feminist movement
Need to face up to the reality of crime from a social democratic perspective
Criminal victimisation has two elements
Geographically and socially focused on the most vulnerable aspect of society
Impact of victimisation is a product of risk rates and vulnerability
Does not deny the impacts of capitalism
Most crime happens to the poor
Wish to contextualise victimisation within the socioeconomic and political framework
Has mirrored several aspects of positivist victimology
Criticised for this
Critical Victimology
Need for the development of an empirically based victim science
Do victims of crime have needs/rights?
Question of citizenship
Roles of the state
Feminist Victimology
Examines the gendered dimensions of victimisation
Domestic and Sexual Violence
Led to the introduction of support systems for ‘surviors’
Rejection of the term victim
Attempts to make violence against women seem unusual rather than normative
Responding to domestic violence
Advocate 0 tolerance policing
Challenge police perceptions about domestic violence policing
Domestic violence as a social issue as well as a criminal issue
Responding to sexual violence
Creation of **** crisis centres
Only 16% of victims report
Due to fear of being blamed
26% of people think the victim will be blamed
Desire to tackle secondary victimisation
Responses to disability hate crime
Police are not trained to deal with certain disabilities
Usually dealt with outside of the CJS
Lack of victim support due to this
Male victims
Victims of hegemonic masculinity
Female victimisers
Many different aspects of victimisation
Sexual orientation
These aspects are also risks for offending
Researching victims
What is a victim?
A person who has come to some form of harm due to the actions of another
How much are crime and victimisation measured?
How much victimisation is there?
Not just amount that is important
Extent and impact important too
Who and what is victimised?
Not all victims are obviously victims
Hidden victimisation
Need to be answered to tackle the issue of victimisation
(Walklate, 2012)
Can use crime survey data to do this
Aims of crime surveys:
Level of victimisation
How many victims are there?
Is the rate of victimisation increasing?
Correlates of victimisation
Who are typical victims?
Poor people are systematically penalised for just being poor
Victims of the process and society
How is victimisation distributed?
Dynamics of victimisation
What is the relationship between the victim and offender?
Do victims resist victimisation?
What about…
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