Virtue Ethics
- Created by: Sarah
- Created on: 29-01-15 14:37
An ethics of aspiration: Aspiring us to be more
- Agen centred theory
Anccent Virtues:
- Virtues and morality were a key part of Greek literature and living
- This can be seen in the works of Homers epic poems and the tragerdies of Sophocies and Aeschyuus.
Homeric virtue:
- Physical strength
- Courage
- Cunning
- Friendship
Athenian virtue:
- Courage
- Frienship
- Wisdom
- Temperence
- Justice
These accent virtues allow us to draw up a list of virtues for society today
- Proposed Virtue Ethics in his book 'The Nichomachean Ethics'
- Everything in life has a 'Telos' - A purpose
- A human…
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