Water Conflicts in the Middle East
- Created by: Emily
- Created on: 31-05-11 13:23
Middle East
- There is 5% of the world's population that lives here.
- They have 1% of the world's fresh water.
- There has been large population growth.
- In some areas there is increased affluence which can lead to an increase in water demand due to a change in lifestyle including having swimming pools.
- 89% of extracted water is used on crops for the irrigation of farmlands.
- They could use the process of desalination but it is expensive and uses a lot of energy.
- There is a problem of water pollution in some areas.
- The water availability varies country to country. In parts of Iran it is 1200m3 per person per year but in Jordan it is 200m3 per person per year.
Nile River
- It comes out of the Ethiopian Highlands.
- 85% of the water is from the Blue Nile.
- It is the longest rive in the world.
- It goes through 9 countries making the problems about the water even more extreme than if it only went few one or two.
- There are many disputes about whose water it is and about who should have control over it.
- Egypt has got to the water first and therefore it seems as if they have the power and control of it.
- The Aswan Dam which is in Egypt was build in the 1970's and was paid for…