What else is there in geography?
- Created by: LivBarnes
- Created on: 24-02-17 15:14
Plate tectonic and hazards
Structure of the earth
Type of crust of the earth facts
Timeline of discovering the earths structure
How do we know about the earths structure? Waves, metals, gravity, gutenburg discontinuity
Paleomagnetism and convection currents- Link to Pangea theory
For and against continental drift; Geogological evidece, biological, climatological, biological
Constructive plate boundaries- Features, MAR case study, minor/major, instusive/extrusive
Constructive plate boundaries, East African rift valley, triple junction,
Destructive plate boundary- Features, major/minor, intrusive/extrusive Philippeans plate case study
Conservative plate- San Andrea features created
Hotspots- Info on Hawaii, formation, how to identity, features
Type of earthquake waves
More on type…
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