WJEC AS English Language- speech terminology glossary (unfinished)
- Created by: englishnerd
- Created on: 03-11-15 11:25
Accent- A distinctive way of pronouncing language- usually associated with geographical reigon or social class. Example; "eh up, you alreet".
Adjacency Pairs- Conversational turn-taking. And adjacency pair is composed of two utterances by two speakers, one after the other such as a question or answer or greetings. Providing an irrelevant respone is known as a conversational maximum. Example; "How are you?" "I'm good!"
Back-channel- Words, phrase and nonverbal utterances used by the listener to give feedback to a speaker that indicates the message is understood. Example; "Oh right", "really" and "I see".
Contraction- Two words joined by an apostrophe. Example; "Can't", "She'll" and "Won't".
Deixis/Deicticts- When in order to understand the meaning of certain words and phrases, contextual info. is required- such as pointing. Example; "This", "That", "Those", "These" and "Here"
Dialect- Non standard form of English- words that are associated with a particular reigion or social class. Example; "We WAS walking", "PASS US that" and "BARMCAKE".
Discourse Markers- Connects a sentence to what comes before or after and can indicate a speaker's attitude to what he is saying. It can be used to introduce a new topic or bring the conversation round to another topic. Teachers often use "right then" to signal that they want your attention because they are about to impart information or begin a differen't task. Example; "You know", "actually", "basically", "like", "okay", "so anyway", "on the other hand".
Elision- The omission or slurring of one or…
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