Wuthering Heights Chapter Summaries

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 03-06-20 13:07

Volume 1,Chapter 1

The gothic novel opens with Mr.Lockwood writing in his diary about a somewhat unwelcome visit he took to his landlord Heathcliff.Lockwood mets Joseph a servant and a pack of dogs that are living in the farm house.Although Lockwood does not receive encouragement to do so he decides to make a returning visit

Volume 1, Chapter 2 

Lockwood repeats his visit to Wuthering Heights but as he arrives snow begins to fall,he knocks on the door but no one is willing to let him in,eventually a young man beckons Lockwood to follow him inside,when inside Lockwood he sees who he presumes is Heatcliff’s wife.He waits for Heathcliff to arrive home but the snow develops in to a strorm.As lockwood decides to try and make his way home he grabs a lantern to take with him however Joseph thinks that Lockwood is trying to steal this lantern so he releases the dogs on him and he ends up getting a nose bleed and has to stay the night.

Volume 1, Chapter 3

The housekeeper at Wuthering heights,Zillah,leads Lockwood to a room which Heathcliff allows no one to to stay in.Lockwood discovered a bed behind panels and decides to stay there for the night.The room is covered with the name “Catherine” in different forms “Catherine Earnshaw”,”Catherine Linton” and “Catherine Heathcliff.Unable to sleep Lockwood reads some of the books in the room,one of which had many diary entries in it.Lockwood eventually goes to bed and has two dreams.In the first he listens to a sermon by Jabes Branderham and in the second he sees the ghost of Catherine and he runs her wrists against the window drawing blood.Lockwood cries out at the ghost which wakes Heathcliff.The next morning Heathcliff guides Lockwood back to the grange where lockwood is cold and disorientated

Volume 1, Chapter 4

Lockwood asks Nelly, his housekeeper, about Heathcliff and his families history at Wuthering Heights.He is told that Cathy Heathcliff is he last of the Lintons and Hareton is he last of the Earnshaws.Nelly hints to Heathcliff cheating Hareton out of his rightful inheritance.Nelly then takes over the narration and the reader learns about how Heathcliff was rescued from the port of Liverpool by Mr.Earnshaw and grows up with Catherine and her brother Hindley.Two years later Mrs Earnshaw dies and he children fall ill with measles,The chapter finishes with two horses,Heathcliff takes the best one and when it falls lame he takes Hindley’s.

Volume 1, Chapter 5 

Nelly tells the story of Mr.Earnshaw’s decline in health,as his health declines he becomes more irritable and less tolerable of Heathcliff and as a result he sends Hindley away to school.As Mr.Earnshaw’s health continues to decline Joseph begins to have a bigger influence over his Master,particularly in regards to religion.Catherine continues to tease her father,never fully realising how ill he really is.When Mr.Earnshaw dies Catherine and Heatchcliff comfort each other with conversations about heaven

Volume 1,Chapter 6 

Following the death of his father Hidley returns to Wuthering Heights as the


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