Youth, Crime and Control
- Created by: Freya Lindsey
- Created on: 04-11-17 15:24
Why Focus on Youth Crime and Control?
Transitions into Adulthood
- Arnett (2004): transitions into adulthood are less clear now because:
1. Youths have less financial independence.
2. Marriage and partnerships occur in the late 20s rather than the early 20s.
3. There is a greater likelihood of vocational and higher education up until the age of 16 and beyond.
- Osgood et al (2007): transitions into adulthood is even more difficult for vulnerable youth populations.
Offending and Young People
- 35% of offenders aged 15-17 re-offend.
- 30% of offenders aged 18-20 re-offend.
- 12% of offenders aged 50+ re-offend.
Onset and Desistance
Home Office 2008:
- Female onset peaks at about 15.
- Male onset peaks at about 17/18.
- Female desistance begins at about 20.
- Male desistance begins at about…
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