1.1 and 1.2: the character of a rule and legal rules

all notes taken from AQA A-Level Law Book 1 (Hodder Education, authored by Jacqueline Martin and Nicholas Price) and Book 2 (Hodder Education, authored by Jacqueline Martin, Nicholas Price and Richard Wortley)

  • Created by: Zaynab
  • Created on: 29-05-20 15:36
Define a rule ( by Twinings and Miers):
a general norm, mandating or guiding conduct
1 of 10
a moral rule is...
2 of 10
a law is...
3 of 10
Rules brought through custom or practice, if broken, carry a sense of....
disapproval in the community
4 of 10
rules are generally obeyed for what 3 reasons?
1. carry a sense of moral obligation 2. rule is reasonable and relevant 3. a penalty may be imposed if the rule is broken
5 of 10
legal rules are enforced through the...
6 of 10
what is the most severe penalty?
imprisonment for life
7 of 10
list some developments about norms of behaviour
1. develop over time 2. ought to be obeyed 3. enforced by disapproval of the community 4. voluntary, apply only to those who accept them
8 of 10
list some developments about the law
1. can change instantly 2. must be obeyed 3. enforced by the courts 4. obligatory and apply to everyone
9 of 10
In civil law, the courts can ask the party who has broken the rules to _________ the innocent party
10 of 10

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Card 2


a moral rule is...



Card 3


a law is...


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Card 4


Rules brought through custom or practice, if broken, carry a sense of....


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


rules are generally obeyed for what 3 reasons?


Preview of the front of card 5
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