11TM sociology and social policy
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- Created by: Alicia_dore
- Created on: 18-10-20 14:09
what is social policy?
any government action that has an impact on society
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what is a social problem?
social behaviour which causes friction and/or misery and needs to be solved
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what are some examples of social problems?
poverty, crime, educational underacheivement
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what is a sociological problem?
a pattern of behaviours that needs an explanation that may not be seen as an issue by society
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what is an example of a sociological problem?
why girls are successful in education
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what are Gidden's 4 benefits of studying sociology?
understanding social situations, awareness of cultural differences, assessment of the effects of policies and increase in self knowledge
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what are the 7 factors affecting the success of research?
electoral popularity, government preferences, interest groups, globalisation, popularity of the researcher, funding sources and cost
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what is the functionalist view of sociology and social policy?
sociology should provide research which helps to create social policies. sociologists should provide the state with scientific information so the state can create policies which will serve society and help to run smoothly. one issue at a time
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what are the policies which functionalists argue help society to run smoothly?
maternity and paternity leave 2013, marriage tax allowance 2015 and the butler act 1944
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what is the new right view of social policy?
they are critical of policies which encourage state reliance and argue that policies should aim to encourage self reliance and the privatisation of public services
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what is the marxist view of social policy?
policies do not benefit all members of society and only benefit the ruling class and capitalism
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what are the 3 functions of social policies according to marxists?
masking the exploitation of capitalism, maintaining the labour force and preventing revolution
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what is ideological legitimisation?
the way that social policies mask the exploitation of the working class making the system seem as though it cares about individuals e.g. the welfare state
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what policy maintains the labour force?
the NHS ensures that workers are all healthy enough to work
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what is the marxist view of sociology and research?
sociology should not provide information to the state and help capitalism to create unfair policies but reveal the true unfair nature of the capitalist state
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what is the radical feminist view of social policy?
the state uses social policy to maintain patriarchy and power over women
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which social policies maintain patriarchy?
maternity and paternity leave 2013, marriage tax allowance 2015
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which social policies have radical feminist movements introduced?
women's refuges, divorce law reform act 1970 (seperatism)
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what is the liberal feminist view of social policy?
they argue that social policies have helped to reduce gender inequality and reduce patriarchy
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what social policies have helped to reduce gender inequality?
Equal Pay act 1970, sex discrimination act 1975, shared parental leave 2015
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what is the social democratic view of sociology and social policy?
sociology can provide research to create policies to help reduce the gap between the rich and the poor
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what did Townsend's research consist of?
research of poverty, making recommendations to the government to create policies such as higher welfare benefits and more spending on health, education and welfare services
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what is the black report?
a report based on social class inequalities in health, making 37 recommendations for social policies such as free school meals for all children, more benefits for the disabled and more spending on housing
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is a social problem?
social behaviour which causes friction and/or misery and needs to be solved
Card 3
what are some examples of social problems?
Card 4
what is a sociological problem?
Card 5
what is an example of a sociological problem?
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